Ferienwohnungen an der kroatischen KüsteFerienort im Herzen Dalmatiens: Sv. Filip i JakovDalmatien: Land der tausend InselnPlanen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt an der Adria mit unsIhr schönster Platz zwischen Himmel und Erde
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Praesent vitae odio eget felis vehicula vulputate sit amet ut tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus muscular.

Contact and Booking

Your host

Katica Rukavina and daughter Adina Asbeck. Since Febuary 2016 living in Dalmatia and being home in Germany. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.



Prize per Day Main season 2.7. – 10.9. All other Dates
Apartment Kata
Apartment Mara
Apartment Luca
 Apartment HMY Jela

Check in: between 4 pm and 10 pm

Check out: until 10pm

Write us an email, call us, or use our booking plan.


Croatian Sun
Ulica Huberta Borellia 5
23207 Sv. Filip i Jakov
Tel.    +385 (0) 23 388 419

Coordinates: https://goo.gl/maps/JbxjcFHNTrTzhGXC7

mob.  +385 92 185 285 6
Mail. croatiansun@web.de

Link zum Impressum


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